Who would have a lobster as a logo? Could it be taken seriously? Well first let me say that my favorite color is blue, and yes I do like lobsters. After multiple attempts at logos I let my brain do the "thinking" and take over. Those of you that know me know about my artistic and abstract ways of thinking. It only seemed to be logic to use the blue lobster. It was actually a photo that I found and photoshopped blue. I was using it as a wallpaper on my cell. Some facts that you need to know to understand the concept. When lobsters mate, they mate for life. Hip hop and I are mated for life. When you talk about hip hop most people say "One" as in one love. Doing some of my research I came to find out that Blue Lobsters are real. The lobster for some strange reason produces too much protein in its body and turns the shell blue, the chances of finding a blue lobster is ACTUALLY 1 in a million. I was gonna use a white lobster,JOE WHITE, but the chances of finding one of those are 1 in 100 million. One of my favorite movies is a Jet Li joint called "The ONE", the cover is blue and black. I did a Meyers-Briggs personality test a little while ago and my results were INTP. I am only like 1% of the rest of the world personality wise. I run into the number one again. I was hoping if some of this caught on my name would be shortened to "One" but everyone insists on calling me "Million". So even though there may be a million JOE WHITEs in the world, I am the ONE .
-One In A Million Anthem-ONE MINUTE BEAT.mp3