Friday, July 17, 2009

Lobster Logo

Who would have a lobster as a logo? Could it be taken seriously? Well first let me say that my favorite color is blue, and yes I do like lobsters. After multiple attempts at logos I let my brain do the "thinking" and take over. Those of you that know me know about my artistic and abstract ways of thinking. It only seemed to be logic to use the blue lobster. It was actually a photo that I found and photoshopped blue. I was using it as a wallpaper on my cell. Some facts that you need to know to understand the concept. When lobsters mate, they mate for life. Hip hop and I are mated for life. When you talk about hip hop most people say "One" as in one love. Doing some of my research I came to find out that Blue Lobsters are real. The lobster for some strange reason produces too much protein in its body and turns the shell blue, the chances of finding a blue lobster is ACTUALLY 1 in a million. I was gonna use a white lobster,JOE WHITE, but the chances of finding one of those are 1 in 100 million. One of my favorite movies is a Jet Li joint called "The ONE", the cover is blue and black. I did a Meyers-Briggs personality test a little while ago and my results were INTP. I am only like 1% of the rest of the world personality wise. I run into the number one again. I was hoping if some of this caught on my name would be shortened to "One" but everyone insists on calling me "Million". So even though there may be a million JOE WHITEs in the world, I am the ONE .
-One In A Million Anthem-ONE MINUTE BEAT.mp3

Friday, July 10, 2009


I got a Myspace. I had like 5 REAL friends on there. The other people were co-workers or old friends from my old hometown. Both of which are just looking to be in your business. Not much to do but paste stupid comments on each others page. I wanted all these people to know that I had found new music and they should have a listen. I wanted to support local hip hop so I added Jawz and Mojo to my top 10. Shit, who don't have a top 10? "Fallin'" was the song on my page and as soon as you clicked on my page you just knew it was something you had never heard before. Before I knew it I was getting like 10 friend requests a day. Not that bot shit either. More of my old friends started to look me up and we discussed music and where I was finding new stuff at. I just used my page to thumb through page after page of music pages like a DJ diggin' in the crates. If I found an artist I liked, I would just hit them up with a comment and ask for a free download. 99.9% of the time they would hit me off with a joint or two via email for free. I'm like "This is the shit, free fucking music and I get to pick what I listen too". Artists would show respect and hit me back on the regular. My top 10 was now a top 24 or some shit and all of my tops were producers or emcees. Ok, so MYSPACE. Thats just it. ME,ME,ME and more about me. "I'm so cool, is this a popularity contest....if so I will win". I decided to cancel my personal page and start an artist page myself. I knew I was gonna flip the script and make it all about YOU,YOU,YOU. Support local hip hop and give these people maximum exposure or as much as I could offer. A million pages it seemed like I went through to see if anybody else was doing what I was doing and could not find one. I must be one in a million.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The ATL Connect

After a few weeks of listening to the hip hop program on 88.5 I discovered a few more artists that were very ear catching. My neighbor and I decided to make a run to the A and catch a hip hop show. We ain't got shit like that out here in NE GA. We headed to a little spot in Atl called Sugarhill. When we got to the area we were looking all over for the joint. We asked a few people where the show was and no one seemed to know. There is a bar located next to the place, and either they were too damned drunk or really did not know. Standing around and smoking cigarettes eventually a line was forming and we knew we found the right spot. Jawz of Life and Mojo Swagger was performing that night and we wanted some REAL hip hop. Hit us with a CD, mixtape,shirt...whatever. We had to see this shit with our own eyes! Tired of waiting until Sunday night to hear a dope song, we needed something to put in rotation soon. Jawz did his song "Fly On" and everybody hands in the air. Hip hop is alive! Next on the stage was Mojo Swagger. Dude grabbed the mic, bass rumbled through the club, and everybody shut the fuck up. "Wrong Path" was the song he was performing and you could tell by the inflection in his voice he meant every word like he lived it. No big chain, no gimmick, just lyrics. Thats KEEPING IT REAL. I guess thats the difference between an emcee and a rapper.


Everybody has a blog now. Maybe its time for me to start mine. I mean, who in the hell is gonna read or pay attention to what I have to say? This is hopefully another way for me to bring my love of underground hip hop music to a new audience. Maybe introduce some new music and artists to a new group of people. I know I did not expect it that night on the way home in the car when I first heard Jawz of Life "Fallin'" on Georgia State radio WRAS 88.5. I mean its a college radio station that plays hip hop on Sundays from 10p-2a. Who is up at that time? Better question, who is listening at that time? I just remember hearing the typical cast of characters that night. Jay-Z,Nas,Wu, etc. I was enjoying the drive home from work. The music was good to hear because of all the crap that is played on Atlanta radio stations. Then out of nowhere a song came on that would change my musical world. Jawz of Life "Fallin'" had my total attention. I waited until the DJ came back on and dropped the number to the station. I had to call to find out who this artist was. Dude never answered the phone. When I got home I searched the internet for Jaws of Life. itunes, limewire, google, yahoo. Then I got a bright idea, JAWZ of Life. I found dudes Myspace page and listened to that song at least 10 more times that night. I had to create a Myspace page and find other artists. I was so sick of the same ol rappres with the same ol flow, same ass beats, same stupid videos. They are selling me on a life I know I will never live, expensive cars, jewels,clothing, houses...excuse me.....mansions. I don't live that life, I can't feel that, that ain't real. I felt like the biggest dumbass reciting THEIR lyrics over and over. Jawz said, "I can't do that,nah I been through that,won't do that...". Me either.